Human-Animal Interconnectedness

The human-animal bond is one that was formed before time.  There are many legends, myths, and sacred stories that tells the narrative of the human-animal bond.  You can still see remnants of this sacred bond.  Remnants remain in the  sacred art, such as cave paintings, frescoes, vases and jars, uncovered tombs, mosaics, temple walls, and in the oldest of languages.  Sacred Narratives of the human-animal bond were being lost to society.  Guardians of such narratives still remain with us and these guardians are passing down their knowledge so that this sacred-bond does not become lost to time.

So who are you in this society?  Are you a guardian or one that chooses to bury such a sacred bond with the sands of modern norms and values?  So much of my time was spent reading, searching, and gaining certificates, degrees, and a license.  For what?  This was my quest for the chalice.  The chalice being my voice in the sacredness of the human-animal bond.  My voice among the guardians of this knowledge.  In this quest, I was not enough, just fell short, or dismissed.  My ideas, knowledge, and progressive approaches were thrown away-like a wadded up piece of paper.  But before my narrative was thrown away, it was copied and used for another person's gain.  Can I ever be part of this guardian society?  Truth is, I was always a member of this society.  The difference is, they found their voice and used it, while I silenced mine. The absolute truth is, we are all members of this society.  We all have a role in this sacred narrative of the human-animal bond.  We just have to connect to our hearts, to find our purpose and be the voice of our purpose.  In this sacred narrative, some of us are guardians and protectors, while others, remind us every moment that we need to guard and protect this sacred wisdom.

I have spent so much time burying myself, my voice.  While I feel and live this sacred bond everyday, I chose to bury my voice, my part of this sacred narrative.  I allowed others to determine my part for me until I was frozen in silence.  I did not; however, allow my soul to be frozen.  My heart was close to that fate.  The sacred human-animal bond is what kept my heart from freezing so my heart can hear my soul and I can speak my truth.  I had to walk away and let go.  I had to listen to my animal companions.  Most importantly, I had to listen to my loved ones and supporters who helped me to get to a place to listen.  The human-animal interconnectedness is the sacred bond between human and animal.  The bond that is older than time and holds more wisdom and knowledge than a book or academic journal.  The bond comes from our sacred connection to our elders, the earth, the community-to life itself.  The journeyer-the person. The companion-the lessons from the animal that help you transform and grow.  Animals are the voices of our hearts.  Our ancestors/elders and all that is sacred reside in their souls.  They are here to teach us.  Through them we learn about honor, loyalty, regard, trust, faith, and unconditional love.  Through them, we learn who we are-the guardians of this sacred knowledge or the ones that bury it.

My animal companions helped me find my voice-the chalice.  Through them I am learning, who I am in this sacred narrative.  Through them, I silence my mind to hear the teachings of my mentors and elders.  As I was walking away from my discipline, I heard the voice of one such mentor who told me to make it my own.  Thank you to all my teachers, mentors, gurus, and animal companions that kept my flame burning bright enough to see past the darkness.  Human-Animal Interconnectedness is my voice, my place, and my role as a guardian of the sacred narrative of the human-animal bond.  In order to truly understand the bond, one has to embrace the interconnection between the self, animal, community and the sacredness of it all.

Born from two individuals-myself and my colleague, Effie Heotis, The Human-Animal Interconnectedness Institute.  To my mentor-I made it my own.  To my elders-I now see my part in this bigger web. To my animal companions, I hear you.